My name is Jennifer Hale (no, not the Disney voice actress) and I was born on the twenty-first day of the month of Thot, in the
season of Akhet, during the third year of the first term of President Ronald Reagan. Those who are close to me call me Jenny;
those who know me more call me "Evy Ana Jones." My sister coined the latter pseudonym for the following reasons:
I share similar characteristics of the amateur enthusiast/librarian in The Mummy and The Mummy Returns, Evelyn Carnahan (Rachel Weisz) and
there are certain things and characteristics I possess that my sister links to Indiana Jones such as
a large leather bag, what my sister calls "archeological" boots, I am a scholar with an adventurous side, and I
enjoy collecting ancient Egyptian trinkets.
I graduated with high honors and distinction from a private university in Chicago where I specialized in French, secondary education,
and mathematics. In addition to my academic studies, I participated
and designed publicity for four university clubs (French, Math, and Education Club, and Campus Activities Board) and I was the
president and vice-president for French and Education club, respectively; worked as
a lifeguard at my university's pool; drew and illustrated cartoons for my university's newspaper; studied Egyptian Arabic,
German, Italian, Latin, and American Sign Language; worked on this website, of course; and played the piano and the violin
(I taught myself how to play the former instrument; I have been trained in playing the violin since 1994). In addition
to acquiring degrees in secondary education, French, and math, I hope to acquire degrees in graphic design, library science, and
Egyptology, which I hope will take
place in a few years. Essentially, my ultimate goal is to become a university professor of Egyptology or possibly a librarian
trained in technology.
Right now, I am working at my town's library as an IT specialist whose responsiblities include updating the library's website; replacing
old equipment; fixing any computer problems, maintaining technical equipment; and creating graphic designs for crafts, publicity for
library programs, and the like.
I became such an enthusiast for Egyptology in the early 1990s when I
first saw the third installment of Indiana Jones (and the Last Crusade). As soon as I heard Dr. Jones mention an unfamiliar
word ("Egyptology"), I became curious. Afterward, I took it upon myself to find out what this word meant. I found out (boy
did I find out)! When I was in second grade, I forced my partner to do a project on Ancient Egyptian water clocks with me.
And in six grade, I work on a project about pyramids with another girl. The next layer on the cake came in the form of my
uncle, around eight years later: he just came back from a trip from the Middle East, bringing with him a papyrus scroll that showed
Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys. I had learned about the significance of Osiris' green color from a history course the year before
and informed my mother about it. From then on, I have been learning more and more about all aspects of Ancient Egypt, as you
can see ;)
Well, I must return to my studies; thank you for taking the time out to get to know me!