Welcome distant traveler!
To all enthusiastic Egyptologists, doctorates and dilettantes alike: before you is vast supply of carefully researched
information of nearly all elements of the wonderful era of Pre- and Dynastic Egypt, when pharaohs ruled the land and great
monuments were built in honor of both human and deity. Explore these pages to become more acquainted with one of the
world's greatest ancient civilizations.
Navigate at your own risk!
Everyone has heard of the curse of the pharaohs--rubbish, I say! However, I cannot guarantee there will not be any
pitfalls or false doors around here; you never know what will happen on the computer! It is my duty as curator of
this site to ensure a safe navigation, which is quite simple if I don't say so myself: main navigation--that which
concerns contextual data on ancient Egypt--will always appear at the top of every page to eradicate becoming lost.
In addition, there is a secondary menu at the bottom: that which concerns fun things in which you can engage and
other supplimentary materials. This secondary menu will appear on every page as well.